Friday, March 9, 2012

When will the Republicans get on to defunding the thugocratic UN crime syndicate?

caWhen will the Republicans get on to defunding the thugocratic UN crime syndicate?
Immediately, I hope.
I don't understand the conservative opposition to the UN. We are a permanent member of the security counsel and as such we wield an enormous amount of power in the world that we wouldn't have without being in the UN.

Israel owes its existence to the UN in more ways than one.When will the Republicans get on to defunding the thugocratic UN crime syndicate?
HAHA That would be SWEEEEEEEEEET! To have the republicans side with Khadafi? That would bury their party for sure!
The senate would just reject it and Obama would veto itWhen will the Republicans get on to defunding the thugocratic UN crime syndicate?
So, the Republicans are the freedom haters now? What's next are they going to stop being liberal?

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