hi tim
you probably have spyware on your computer there are lots of versions some try to get credit card details some try to get your email address some read cookies to see what sites you have been on ect ect and some redirect you to a specific web page as you have been the reason they do this is quite simple they get paid by the site your visiting the site your being sent to has more then likely got adverts on it its the advertising company that pays the site each time some one is redirected there as it sounds like in your case there is a simple fix which is a free program that gets rid of this unwanted spyware it is called malwarebytes go to malwarebytes.org to download it they will give instructions on there site on how to download it when you have downloaded it update it straight away then do a full scan can take up to half an hour depending on how many programs are on your computer there is also another free program you can use as well as they only run and scan when they are told to and they are both compatible with any anti virus as they do not run all the time the other free program is called superantispyware again update it straight away before you scan if you have any doubt youtube both programs for explanation and guide on how to use them ps you are not being targeted specifically these spyware programs are run by computers waiting for some one to go to the wrong site infested by these spyware programs to make sure your safe when surfing the net use a free program like WOT (youtube it for instructions on how to set up and use) this puts a coloured circle by each site green is a good site and red is a bad site if its red do not click on the site it is that simple good luck tim i hope these free programs do the job for you ps the programs clean spyware malware trojans worms key-loggers and lots more they are better than a lot of the paid versions so don't forget youtube for instructions on how to use these free programs
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